“What is She Doing Here?” Dianne Feinstein Confused Over Kamala Harris Presiding Over Senate | The Gateway Pundit | by Cristina Laila

Feinstein Shows Up 90 Minutes Late to Judiciary Committee Meeting | The Gateway Pundit | by Cristina Laila

The Democrats will do ANYTHING for power.

89-year-old Dianne Feinstein earlier this month returned to the senate in a wheelchair.

Feinstein finally returned to the senate after a 3-month absence due to shingles.

The California Senator’s diminished condition shocked the public.

Her red droopy eye and paralyzed face shocked the public.

Feinstein is suffering from several complications due to shingles (supposedly), including facial paralysis, memory loss, vision and balance impairments and swelling of the brain.

According to a new report by The New York Times, Feinstein relies on an army of aides in order to carry out her duties.

Staff members wheel Feinstein into the senate chamber, help her get situated in a chair and whisper in her ear in between votes.

“They push her wheelchair, remind her how and when she should vote and step in to explain what is happening when she grows confused. They stay with her in the cloak room just off the Senate floor, where Ms. Feinstein has taken to waiting her turn to vote, then appearing in the doorway to register her “aye” or “nay” from the outer edge of the chamber.” according to The Times.

According to The Times, Feinstein was confused over Kamala Harris presiding over the senate and asked, “what is she doing here?”

This is elder abuse.

“At times she has expressed confusion about the basics of how the Senate functions. When Vice President Kamala Harris was presiding over the chamber last year in one of many instances in which she was called upon to cast a tiebreaking vote, Ms. Feinstein expressed confusion, according to a person who witnessed the scene, asking her colleagues, “What is she doing here?” Staff members have been overheard explaining to her that she cannot leave yet because there are more votes to come.” The New York Times reported.

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