Senator Tom Cotton Introduces Bill to Defund Public Universities That Limit Free Speech | The Gateway Pundit | by Mike LaChance

Senator Tom Cotton Introduces Bill to Defund Public Universities That Limit Free Speech | The Gateway Pundit | by Mike LaChance

Higher education in the United States has drifted so far to the left in recent years that it looks more like indoctrination than education.

One of the biggest problems is that the far left no longer believes in free speech. Anything that they disagree with is labeled as hate speech and shut down.

Senator Tom Cotton of Arkansas recognizes this problem and is introducing legislation which would deny funding to public universities that limit free speech.

Campus Reform reports:

Sen. Cotton introduces bill to defund public universities that limit free speech

On May 10, Arkansas Republican Senator Tom Cotton introduced the Campus Free Speech Restoration Act to prevent schools from restricting students’ freedom of speech.

“Too many of America’s public colleges have attacked the First Amendment rights of their students using so-called free speech zones and unconstitutional speech codes,” Cotton stated. “This bill fights back against campus censors in order to defend open debate and free speech, which lead us to truth.”

Cotton recently told The New York Post that if enacted, the law could force universities to lose federal funding for abridging students’ rights to free expression.

“Colleges and universities ought to be centers of free thought and spirited debate — places where young Americans are exposed to all sides of an issue and sometimes hear things that they disagree with or maybe even makes them uncomfortable,” he said.

The Campus Free Speech Restoration Act is also designed to eliminate free speech zones that schools deem appropriate to hold open dialogue.

“The free speech zones on campus are usually relegated to the waste management treatment center in some corner of the campus where there’s never any foot traffic,” Cotton quipped.

The left is constantly pushing for ‘free’ college, which would actually be provided by American taxpayers.

What they don’t understand is that taxpayers are not going to submit to that idea when they know that half of the country would not even be welcome on most college campuses.

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