Millard House II, the new superintendent for Prince George’s County public schools, has announced that all students will be required to have mandatory clear book bags in the upcoming school year.
Besides forcing students to have clear bags, House has also developed a plan to install metal detectors in all middle schools and high schools in the PG County, Maryland school district.
House, who has been in the position as a superintendent for just 10 days, made the new rule for the upcoming school year to “Combat the increase in the number of weapons showing up at or in schools in the county.”
Many parents of the PG County district are concerned about the new rules due to the fact they believe House is turning schools into prisons rather than a place of learning.
The new leader of Prince George’s County Public Schools announced metal detectors will be installed in all high schools and eight middle schools and all middle and high school students will have to carry clear backpacks so the contents are visible.
— NBC4 Washington (@nbcwashington) July 13, 2023
Per NBC Washington:
The new leader of Prince George’s County Public Schools announced metal detectors will be installed in all high schools and eight middle schools and all middle and high school students will have to carry clear backpacks so the contents are visible.
“There is no tolerance for weapons inside of our schools or on grounds and on our school buses,” CEO Millard House said.
“We’ll be working with your local affiliates like your Targets and Walmarts, Amazon, to recommend to our parents where they can go to get these backpacks,” he said.
WUSA 9 broke down the story in more details.