Hunter Biden’s best friend and business associate Devon Archer is currently testifying before the House Oversight Committee today on Capitol Hill.
Before Archer even entered the US Capitol for his deposition, Rasmussen released a damning poll of likely voters on what they think of the Biden Crime Family.
Sixty-percent of voters believe Joe Biden is involved in the scandal and that he is also part of the cover-up.
This is a huge number considering the fake news mainstream media has completely ignored the nation’s most corrupt and compromised political family in history.
With Hunter Biden’s former business partner Devon Archer reportedly set to spill the beans on Joe Biden’s involvement in their foreign business deals, most voters think the president has tried to cover up the scandal.
Sixty-percent (60%) of Likely U.S. Voters believe the president has been part of an illegal cover-up to hide his involvement in his son Hunter’s foreign business deals, including 45% who think such a cover-up is Very Likely. Thirty-four percent (34%) say it’s not likely Biden has illegally covered up his role in his son’s foreign business, including 18% who believe it is Not At All Likely.
Archer is reportedly prepared to testify to the House Oversight Committee that Biden, when he was vice president, took part in telephone conversations with foreign clients of Hunter Biden’s business with Archer.
Sixty-one percent (61%) of voters think this is a serious scandal, including 44% who say it’s Very Serious;. Twenty-nine percent (29%) don’t believe Biden’s involvement in Hunter’s foreign business is a serious scandal, including 13% who believe it is Not At All Serious.