Videos going viral on Monday taken last Thursday at St. Matthew’s School in Newfoundland, Canada decked out in LGBTQI+ “Pride” decorations show adults, presumably administrators and teachers, dressed in rainbow colored LGBTQI+ “Pride” costumes greeting the school’s kindergarten through seventh grade children at the door to the school and in the hallways which are decorated with “Pride” decorations. The adults can be heard repeatedly telling the children, “Happy ‘Pride’ day!”
Photos posted by teachers:
St. Matthews is a former Catholic school that was made part of the Newfoundland public school system in 1998. A large white Christian cross was removed from the school’s façade in 2013 after a parent complained.
At least one of the videos was posted to the St. Matthew’s Twitter account, which has since been locked.
Several children are seen waving the new “trans inclusive” “Pride” flags as they greet their fellow students under the supervision of an adult. The entering students are then seen walking under a “Pride” rainbow arch in the hallway. After clearing the “Pride” arch the students are greeted by two adult women draped in “Pride” flags. One of the women can be seen swishing her hips at the children.
Take your kids out of public schools or demand that they stop promoting this ideology.
— Catch Up (@CatchUpFeed) June 5, 2023
Public schools in 2023.
— Catch Up (@CatchUpFeed) June 5, 2023
A third video posted by the same account shows a drag queen at a school assembly.
Drag queens in schools. Homeschool your kids.
— Catch Up (@CatchUpFeed) June 5, 2023
St. Matthew’s School locked their Twitter account.
This is St. Matthew’s School in Newfoundland, Canada.
The school has locked its Twitter account.
— Citizen Free Press (@CitizenFreePres) June 5, 2023
Image copied from a cached version of the St. Matthew’s Twitter feed:
June 1: “Our final Silly Squad of the school year is this Friday, June 2!! Tigers are welcome to wear rainbow colors as we kick off Pride Month with our Parade and Dance Party! #PrideMonth2023 @NLESDCA @SISNLESD”
The school retweeted a photo posted June 2 by a teacher:
#happypride from your @StMattsTigers #sillysquad
#beyou @NLESDCA
— Meghan Devereaux (She/her) (@msmeghand) June 2, 2023
The teacher also posted the “Pride” promo:
@StMattsTigers tomorrow is your day to be loud & proud! #sillysquad is hosting rainbow day to kick off our pride month!
@charrumbolt @MmeNorth @csbarrysmt @MsYoungsClass3 @Christa26322183 @mrsjhayward @mcollinsNL @NLESDCA
— Meghan Devereaux (She/her) (@msmeghand) June 1, 2023
Videos and photos posted by another teacher:
PRIDE, LOVE & ACCEPTANCE reigned supreme @StMattsTigers during our #PrideDay celebrations, Ss & Tt
– thanks to our #SillySquad & #GSA
@charrumbolt @MmeNorth @msmeghand @MsUpshall @MsYoungsClass3 &
to Nox & Barbra Bardot for being our voice @NLESDCA
— Colin Barry (@csbarrysmt) June 3, 2023
Drag queen dance party in the school gymnasium for kindergarten through seventh grade children:
Full on DANCE PARTY to kick off
#PrideMonth2023 @StMattsTigers @charrumbolt @MmeNorth @MmeRegular @msmeghand @MsYoungsClass3 @MsUpshall @grade1hodder #zerofun
— Colin Barry (@csbarrysmt) June 3, 2023
Adults at the school pose for “Pride” day photo:
— completely ignerant (@GitNigel) June 5, 2023
Photo posted by a 3rd/4th grade teacher:
@NLESDCA @StMattsTigers Showing Pride today at Ecole St. Matthew’s School
— Michael Taylor (St. Matthew’s School) (@SMSmtaylor) June 2, 2023
Posted by a teacher:
École St. Matthew’s School
— Lilly Regular (@MmeRegular) June 2, 2023
Grooming message in the school’s front window retweeted by St Matthew’s:
Excellent message for kids and the community at @StMattsTigers
— Keith Dunne (@KeithDunneNL) June 2, 2023